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Hanh Spa COVID-19 Safety Plan

Revised July 15th, 2021

What we are doing:

  • We are actively screening all clients prior to booking appointments at the spa as described in the instructions issued by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health

  • We are actively screening all staff prior to entering the building and keeping documentation as is required as described in the instructions issued by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health

  • Staff who do not pass the screening must go home immediately and self isolate

  • We are limited the number of guests while they wait in line for cash out with social distancing markers

  • Following capacity limits as are required by the province of Ontario

  • We have plexi glass installed by the front reception desk and nail areas

  • We offer contactless gift card purchases (online)

  • We offer over the phone payment for clients, if they choose

  • We are staying informed and taking all the steps recommended by Peel public health

  • PPE as recommended by Peel public health; mandatory mask use (refer to mask policy), gloves, shields, plexi, etc.

  • Ensuring we are well stocked in cleaning supplies such as bleach and 70% alcohol

  • Spacing appointments so there is enough time for cleaning and sanitizing in between

  • Not overlapping clients, as we would in pre-covid times

  • Not allowing walk-in appointments

  • Sanitization and cleaning of busy areas, tools, debit terminals, etc.

  • Staggering start and end times for staff for less traffic

  • Staggering staff lunches

  • Updating staff through various means as changes are often and preferring virtual whenever possible: messaging, phone calls, meetings, etc.

  • Mask policy and ensuring clients adhere to the mask bylaw for the region of Peel (a mask that covers the nose, cheeks, chin; is a non-medical mask or cloth mask)

  • Limiting staff to one area for majority of the day, wherever possible

  • Limiting clients to see one staff for majority of their services, wherever possible

  • Making sure any new staff would be fully trained on all of the covid practices

Directions we have for clients (as updated on the website):

  • Clients are required to read website for updates and answer screening questionnaire

  • Change in our cancellation policy with no penalty for last minute cancellations

  • Asking clients to not arrive early but right on time

  • Asking clients to wait in the car if there is a wait time

  • Asking clients that we assist with all products (signage)

  • Using hand sanitizer or hand wash station upon arrival

  • Mandatory mask use (refer to mask policy)

  • No food or drinks at this time

  • No extra guests with the exception of medical reasons or minors (who have booked appointments)

  • Asking clients not to bring extra items when not necessary (such as large purses or bags)

What we can do together:

  • Staying informed with all the recent public health updates

  • Keep up with public health guidance for COVID-19. Share new information as soon as possible

  • Following requirements of the local public health unit

  • Following mandatory bylaws of the region of peel (such as the mask bylaw)

  • Reading signage to be well-informed on mask usage, washing hand procedures, etc.

  • Maintaining a personal space between others wherever possible

  • Following directives issued by the Chief Medical Officer of Health that are applicable to personal care service settings


Protocol/Steps for potential exposure to COVID-19


Step 1: Exclude symptomatic people from the workplace


If a worker calls in sick, informs you of symptoms or informs you they had close contact with someone with symptoms, we would have them take the self-assessment. The worker would follow any recommendations given by the tool, including being tested and self-isolating.

Any employee who shows up with COVID-19 symptoms should return home and self-isolate immediately. If they cannot leave immediately, they should be isolated until they are able to leave. If the person is very ill, reception will call 911 and let the operator know there may be an individual that may have COVID-19.

We would ask the individual to contact their doctor or Telehealth Ontario at Toll-free: 1-866-797-0000 for further directions about testing and self-isolation.


Step 2: Contact public health


Management would contact Peel public health for guidance on what to do if someone develops symptoms or a worker has COVID-19. Follow directions from the Peel public health officer and provide contact tracing information as necessary. Continue to take down client information for contact tracing purposes: date and times, approximate length and frequency of interactions, full names, contact telephone numbers, employee details.

Step 3: Follow public health direction


Peel public health will let our business know what is required, whether it would be to shut down the affected work area, disinfect surfaces touched by the ill person, or let other workers know/be sent home to self-isolate, self-monitor, etc. We would follow their direction on when the return to work plan would be.

Examples of when workers should self-isolate are the following:

  • Have symptoms

  • had close contact with an individual with symptoms or a confirmed diagnosis

  • have travelled outside of Canada

  • Close contacts may include people who have spent time less than two metres away from the infected person in the same room, workspace, or area without barriers or protective equipment and people living in the same home.

  • A worker who had close contact with someone known to have COVID-19 should self-isolate for 14 days. If they do not develop symptoms, they may usually return to work and other activities 14 days after their last contact with the case.

Other details:

  • A worker with COVID-19 symptoms should self-isolate for at least 10 days from when the symptoms started.

  • If a worker who has symptoms receives a negative COVID-19 test result, they may usually return to work before 10 days if they do not have a fever and their symptoms are getting better.

  • Some symptomatic workers may need to self-isolate for longer based on the advice of public health or their health care provider.

  • These timelines for self-isolation include time spent waiting for COVID-19 test results.


Step 4: Inform any workers who may have been exposed


Letting workers know if they may have been exposed in the workplace with the date and time of the potential exposure, where it may have taken place without giving information that might identify the infectious person.

Contact tracing activities will be maintained wherever necessary.


Step 5: Report to Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development


If an employee has tested positive for COVID-19 due to exposure at the workplace, the business will contact within 4 days:

  • the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

  • the workplace’s joint health and safety committee or a health and safety representative

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